Post Detail Quality Photos Matter!

Miami Used Supercenter silver Toyota Ad by Cardata

A picture can say one thousand words, what do your pictures tell your prospective customers? Are you showing them the information they are looking for in your photographs?

In this day and age of extreme connectivity most consumers feel that they should have all of the information when making a purchase like a new car. While dealer pictures are a big part of that, most consumers do not necessarily trust online pictures, much less from a dealership. It is the little details that can sell a car online. It takes a way of looking at the vehicle and knowing exactly what will be a selling point for the customer that CarData has mastered for our clients.

Little Details

Of course the way the vehicle is photographed is just as important as the post production. Take the image below, all of the elements to inform a potential buyer are included. The vehicle brand, the name of the dealer, even a picture of the dealership and sign. This photo is almost a map to where this vehicle is located. It is the inclusion of all of these little details that make it an effective marketing tool for the dealership.

Let CarData show you what we can do for your vehicle inventory images. These days, many customers browse for vehicles online first and make a decision based on what they see. Make sure you put the best images in front of clients with CarData images and video. Contact us today for more information.